Monday, May 20, 2019
The dirt on what's new in the 'food, field to fork' family and what's in our dirt this seasonWe've notice there have been several other sites and organization who have 'jumped on the wagon' supporting sustainable
living. Hats off to the following (in no specific order): University of North Dakota on topics on how to 'Safely Growing, Processing and Selling Specialty Crops in North Dakota' and cool other stuff---check
it out Facebook 'Food, Field to Fork' that features the dandy 26 family recipes in our book --- cook 'em up. Field to Fork - Why Local Food Matters It's a cool video for ALL AGES on YouTube. The site indicates: 'these four animations were made by Worth Valley Yfc
with the help of ITV fixers as part of our Field to Fork project. The project aims to educate primary-school-aged children
in why local food matters supported by South Pennines Leader and Keighley Area Committee.' Field to Fork Festival [that
we missed last month in England -- but there is always next year] We'd love to bring our book and check out how the British do sustainable. The Pesticide Action Network --
North Amercia focusing on the virtues of pesticide free gardening and farming....along with instruction on the drawbacks of using
pesticides We've planted loads of potatoes and onions this gardening season. How about you, what's in your
11:22 pm edt