Sunday, October 30, 2011
teeth right after you’ve eaten to get the taste of food out of your mouth you’ll be less likely to snack between
meals. If you can start with one of the following strategies each week, you’ll be ahead while losing your behind:
· Clear food off counters to decrease temptation each time you walk
by. The cookie you grab and chomp into each time you walk by could easily add up to a half-a-dozen before you know it.
· Fill your plate in the kitchen versus eating family-style where you
can continue to replenish you plate without getting up from the table. ·Eat from a measuring cup, not from the bag when eating high-calorie,
high-fat foods. ·Divide a bag of your favorite high-calorie, high-fat snacks into individual portions. Discipline
yourself to only eat one portion.
· Wear your tightest outfit when
dining out. It will keep you honest in the amount you eat. Wearing elastic or drawstring waist clothes can lead to overeating.
*Dine with people who you find pleasing to converse with. Why? Crabby people make you focus on the food and you eat more
than usual as you’re trying to avoid onversation.
[read most about this in Chapter 8, Page 107-135 "Right
Size Your Food, Figure and Fitness" of FOOD, Field to Fork]
7:14 pm edt