Saturday, July 23, 2011
On the road again!We loaded up the car
at 5AM and headed back to California after a 100% sold out book tour. I drove 545 miles today and will stay in Rock Springs,
WY for the night. Did you eat plenty of produce today? Did you break a sweat during any sort of physical activity? Yes? Great!
No? Get busy. Cheers!
12:28 am edt
Friday, July 22, 2011
Nebraska Farmer's MarketNever miss an opportunity to shop at the farmer's market in Beatrice,
NE. I arrived at 430 PM and about 12 growers were already setup for the 5 PM start time. Truck beds piled high with freshly
harvested sweet corn plus the tomatoes and potatoes were in large supply. Glen Weiche, a grower from Greenleaf, KS brought
a colorful variety of onions, garlic, potatoes, apricots, tomatoes and peppers which the crowd bought up almost immediately.
Thanks to Alexis Winder of Main Street Beatrice for inviting me have a book signing at the market today. A special thanks
to Valentino's Pizza for the huge cup of ice water and dandy umbrella. Cheers.
1:06 am edt
Thursday, July 21, 2011
HOT WEATHER NO SWEAT AT FARMER'S MARKETSYesterday I meet folks at the Hanover Farmer's Market and enjoyed the
balmy weather. The heirloom tomatoes brought by Little Blue River Farms growers were fantastic and reasonably
priced. Its owners, the Kelley family gave me a tour of their high tunnel gardens the night before.
WOW. It was loaded with skyscraper high tomato plants gushing with beautiful tomatoes. They keep their gardens in great
shape and are seeking "organic" status in the next year or so.
Thanks Debbie, Trudy, Faith and Cindy
(my high school buds) for taking the time to have some great chow at Ricky's Cafe last night. You're lookin' great.
Join me at the Beatrice, NE Farmer's Market tonight from 5 PM to 7 PM where I will be giving away free garden
seeds and doing a book signing. CHEERS!
1:13 pm edt
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Washington County Fair & Marysville Farmer's Market Friday,
July 15th: The weather was fantastic for the debut of the book at the Washington County Fair, Washington, KS. Thanks to the
Washington County Farm Bureau a booth was reserved for me to hold the first book signing of FOOD, Field to Fork. Many folks
purchased the book with positive reviews. Thanks to Jenny and Debbie for lending us their fan in the 100 degree weather!!!
Afterward we attended the 4-H swine judging competition. Cheers! Saturday, July 16th: The day started
at 6:00 a.m. with a neighbor asking me to bring by a signed copy of the book. Within about 45 minutes we'd loaded the car
for the Marysville, KS Farmer's Market (FM) and were headed to the neighbor's house to comply with her wishes as we headed
out of town. Standing at the end of her lane in a housecoat and a check in hand, our neighbor eagerly awaited her copy of
FF2F. We swooped in -- handed her the book and collected the payment. Thirty minutes later we'd reached Marysville and were
setup for its FM. Most attendees asked me questions about nutrition and gardening. The hot topic of the day pertained to USDA's
MyPlate Eating Pattern and how it differs from its earlier version, MyPyramid. BTW, we sold out of books and I bought
some wonder green beans.
7:40 pm edt